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Vise's two co

Jul 05, 2023

The two co-founders in New York City spawned magical thinking about AI, but hard experience means they are the clear-eyed ones now, they say


Lex Sokolin

Sequoia Capital


Shaun Maguire


Andrew Besheer

Vise falls way short of $1 billion projections after RIAs balk, but venture capitalists promptly reward fledgling with $1-billion valuation -- based on $5-trillion vision

The New York firm gets $65 million six months after it raised $45 million by going straight at the $5 trillion of high-net-worth assets managed mostly by big RIAs with software that listens to RIAs but does all their work.

Wealthfront's unlikely tapping of Sheila Bair and Tom Curry signals likely push to gain a bank charter, analysts say

The Redwood City robo-advisor's addition of two renowned former chief banking regulators brings legitimacy and guidance that could lead to a margin-fattening bank charter and help solve the robo-advisor's problem of high client acquisition costs.