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Frontiers | Trends in Sieving and Its Applications in Cereals. A Literature Review

Oct 17, 2024

In the agroindustry, sieving is a unit operation of great value, this work aims to make a literature review on sieving in cereals, a search equation was carried out in the Scopus database with the keywords sieve, screen, food process, and cereal that resulted in 132 articles and 174 patents. Of the articles, 44 were directly related to sieving and 14 more had something to do with sieving; of the patents, in the last 10 years only 7 were directly related to sieving. To find new trends, raw materials, patent analysis, and information analysis, tables were built with name, year, author, keywords, countries, quartile, journal, relationship with the agroindustry, and purpose. Among the most important conclusions was the application of sieving in raw materials such as Rice, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Millet, Quinoa, Almonds, Barley, Potato, Yucca, Microorganisms, Oats, Cotton, Protein, Peppers, and Chia Seed. Furthermore, the use of rotating and vibrating sieves was identified, and also their positive effects on the physicochemical, standardization, and classification of raw materials were identified. The different types of equipment or methods focused on sieving, that has been granted use or design patent, were also recognized.

Sifting in food and nonfood agroindustrial products is a unitary operation of great importance both at a business level and at an academic and research level, since the application sectors are quite wide, such as seed selection, flour classification, and mineral classification among others (Warren McCabe, 2007). It is considered one of the simplest methods for particle size classification in laboratories and in industries in general, where the process occurs mainly by separating the product into two parts, the larger particles remain on the upper sieve and the other particles fall. To achieve more effective sieving, it is very common to order a series of sieves with the widest openings at the top, so that the product can be obtained with the desired size and the large particles can be brought back to a grinding process, that is why it is normally used as a complement to many size reduction operations (Foust, 1990). It is very important to know the diameter of the product you want to obtain because, in this way, it will be much easier to arrange the sieves with the right diameter. At present, there are some series of sieves one of the best known is the series of Tyler sieves in which, as the number of the sieve increases the diameter of the openings of this decreases (Arndt et al., 2020). The article seeks to answer the following questions: What raw materials are screened? What is the purpose or applications of the new patents that have been granted on screening? And what are the applications of the sieving process in the processes?

To answer the three questions posed, this document is composed of four phases. In the first phase, a theoretical conceptual framework is presented that relates the main concepts or definitions of the unitary operation of screening; in the second phase the methodology is explained, emphasizing the search equation used in Scopus; and in the third phase, the results are explained in terms of countries of origin of the publications, type of journal, time series of the articles and topics, raw materials evaluated in the articles, and the mathematical models. The last phase contains a discussion, patent analysis, and contributions that will answer the questions raised as the main focus of this article.

In the food industry, it is very common to seek to standardize the size of different products to offer the customer the same type of product always, and for this, the sifting or screening has shown great potential (Arndt et al., 2020), which represents one of the most important methods used for years in the agroindustry allowing to retain particles of different sizes according to the purpose of screening (Uriarte-Aceves et al., 2020). The term screening refers to the method of separating particles based solely on their size. When industrial screening is carried out, the solids are placed on the screen surface. Small particles, also called fines, can be found passing through the screen openings; while larger particles, also called tails, do not pass (Warren McCabe, 2007).

A sieve or screen apart from sieving can help to prepare the samples of different products for performing a later analysis, this can be done since with sieving impurities are being removed from the samples and at the same time, the product is being homogenized to be taken to other equipment, in which it is very important to take the sample as homogeneous and clean as possible, to determine different compositions (Sirohi et al., 2020). A sieve or screen can be defined as a surface containing a certain number of openings of equal size, and whose surface can be flat (horizontal or inclined) or cylindrical. These openings refer to the space between the individual wires of a wire mesh sieve and are related to the mesh number of the sieve, which is the number of openings per linear inch. Industrial sieves are made with metal bars, sheets, and perforated cylinders or with fabrics and woven wire. Materials for the construction of the sieves for separating food include stainless steel and nylon fabrics (Velásquez, 2011).

Drum sieves are rotating cylindrical sieves mounted almost horizontally. The sieving surface can also be made of wire mesh or a perforated plate (Velásquez, 2011). It is also important to consider that sieving is largely used as a posttreatment, mainly, in grinding and drying operations where the standardization of the worked products is being sought to offer high quality to the customer (Geankoplis, 1998).

Vibrating screens consist of a frame that supports a grid or perforated plate, which is shaken mechanically or electromagnetically, and the resulting movement pulls the products over the surface of the screen. They are generally slanted from the horizontal, and can also be multiple layers or series mounted one below the other, thus separating the load into several size intervals (Velásquez, 2011).

Bearing in mind that sifting is a method of particle separation based on size difference only. In the processes of sifting in the industry, the solids are poured onto a perforated surface or sieve, which allows the small particles, or “fines,” to pass through and retain those of larger sizes, or “rejects.” A sieve usually only can make one separation into two fractions, the importance or usefulness of putting different series of sieves in the same process to obtain different fractions, these fractions are called unspecified size fractions, because, although the upper or lower limit of the size of the particles is known only the average size of the particles can be found, so the real size is unknown, but an approximate (Foust, 1990) is known.

The different types of sieving that are found in the industry help in multiple tasks in the transformation processes of raw materials, namely, elimination of impurities and homogenization among others. The important thing about the operation is those producers can select and standardize the sizes of their products (Rocchetti et al., 2019) and also select the sieve that more fits your process and achieves the capacity of the company, because apart from efficiency, capacity is an important component in industrial sieves, and this capacity is measured by the mass of material that can be received as feed based on time and surface unit (Zartha Sossa, 2011).

Considering the previous assessments, it can be said that the distribution of the sieves is given by the size that you want to obtain in the given sieve or process, taking into account that the sieves with wider holes will be in the upper part, allowing for gravity the smaller particles descend to sieves with smaller openings. However, there is equipment such as “elutriator-centrifuge” where each of the granulometric fractions is formed according to the density of its particles, but the granulometry of its particles lacks homogeneity. This process is carried out by suspending the sample in an airflow allowing the coarser particles to fall while the finer particles are transported by an airflow (Frías et al., 1990) indicating greater effectiveness of classification of particles in a sieve if the sieves are properly distributed.

To obtain good results in the reading, the work was divided into 4 stages as follows:

Stage 1: Search and selection of the theme to work on. The topic of screening was chosen because it is a method widely used in history for the classification of products and that today is very useful for the industry. Subsequently, agroindustrial engineering students were contacted who had already made progress in technologies of sifting.

Stage 2: Elaboration of a search equation to obtain articles to expand the topic, the keywords used for the equation were sieve, screen, Food process, and cereal giving, as a result, the following equation: “TITLE-ABS-KEY (sieve OR screen*)” AND “food process AND cereal*,” the period was openly left to widen the search. The above search equation yielded a total of 132 articles and 174 patents. With the previous keywords we made a news search in Google news to know what trends exist in the area of screening, for this we worked with the following equation: “Ultrasonic Sieves and food.”

Stage 3: Reading and selection of the articles found to focus a little more on the topic. Once the 132 articles were reviewed, 74 were discarded that had nothing to do with the screening issue a format in Excel was constructed that contains the following aspects year, title, authors, country, journal, cite score, quartile (Scimago), keywords, summary, relationship with agroindustry, worked product, mathematical model, purpose, and conclusion.

Stage 4: Evaluation of patents related to the search equation of stage 2, for the period of the last 10 years, finding 7 patents directly related to the screening topic identifying the patented equipment or methods, the agroindustrial products, and the companies or patent applicants and the countries.

These stages can also be seen in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Stages of paper creation. Source: The authors.

To analyze the basic information found in the articles an Excel table was built in which the year, title, authors, country, journal, cite score, quartile, keywords, and a summary were compiled, then the information was sent to be analyzed by the VANTAGE POINT software that the UPB has, the software was in charge of finding the different correspondences and trends among the information of each paper read. Each graph allows us to visualize the research trends in each country, the journals, and the articles read. VantagePoint is a text mining-based analysis tool with database structured text processing capabilities, extracting trends, patterns, and relationships, it is a text-mining tool for discovering search results from patent databases and academics. The software allows you to generate relationships, find critical patterns, and contains 5 important capabilities: import, clean, analyze, generate reports, and automate, also allows the creation of lists, maps, and matrices, and uses various techniques such as natural language processing, analysis of cluster, and co-occurrence matrices.

Figure 2 shows on the vertical axis the journals where the most publications of articles read were found and on the horizontal axis the countries of origin of these journals, taking orders in the upper left part as the point with the highest number of publications. In the figure, it is possible to appreciate that the journal with more publications in the research is the journal of food processing and preservation, cereal chemistry, and the journal of food engineering. These journals are important because with this information you can analyze possible journals in which the current article can be published, and based on this you can make a more precise search for future research.

Figure 2. Journal vs. countries of origin of the paper. Source: Vantage point software (through information provided by the authors).

Figure 3 shows the relationship between some of the most used keywords and some authors, being the names of the authors in the blue dots and the keywords in the brown dots, generating a line between these being able to identify that some of those words are incorporated repeatedly by different authors in their papers, some of those words are sieves, modeling, food metabolomics, and gluten-free, in this way it is possible to appreciate which are the main subjects treated in the different consulted papers.

Figure 3. Matrix of authors by keywords. Source: Vantage point software (through information provided by the authors).

Figure 4 shows the relationship found between the journal and the keywords with the highest number of mentions in each of these journals, with the blue dots corresponding to the journals and the brown dots to the keywords. In addition, it can be seen that some journals have links with more than one keyword. The journal with the highest ratio among keywords is the journal of food processing and preservation these journals and keywords represent some of the trends on which future research can be focused.

Figure 4. Journal matrix by keywords. Source: Vantage point software (through information provided by the authors).

Figure 5 shows the relationship found between the keywords and the countries that published the different articles. On the vertical axis, the most used keywords in publications of articles read, and on the horizontal axis are the countries where they were applied. It shows which keywords are used according to the country where the paper was published and, based on this, it is possible to determine the focus of research on the topic in each country that publishes.

Figure 5. Keywords vs. paper source countries. Source: Vantage point software (through information provided by the authors).

Figure 6 shows the main phrases found in the abstract of each paper and is represented based on the number of times it is found in the different papers, in this way the phrases with a greater number of repetitions or the most important are shown in a larger size than those that are repeated more rarely, in this sense the most important phrase or the one that is repeated the most is practical applications followed by particle size, moisture content, and particle size distribution.

Figure 6. List of sentences found in the different abstracts. Source: Vantage point software (through information provided by the authors).

The cluster of authors is presented in Figure 7, in this figure can be seen the authors present a greater number of publications within the readings made, and therefore they represent the main advances in research about the sifting topic.

Figure 7. Authors' poster. Source: Vantage point software (through information provided by the authors).

The keywords are an important part of an article since just by reading them we can induce the subject of the article and allow finding the articles in the databases more easily, for this reason in Figure 8, a compilation of keywords of the evaluated articles is shown, the keywords that were found most are presented in larger font size, according to this the main keywords of the research are particle size, physicochemical properties, and starch.

Figure 8. Keywords. Source: Vantage point software (through information provided by the authors).

S-curves are divided into different phases focused on changes and their future opportunities. Zartha et al. (2016) explain it in “S-curves, application in innovative products in the Colombian agroindustrial and chemical sector”:

Phase1: Freely available knowledge.

Phase 2: Growth.

Phase 3: Late growth, property rights preventing new market entrants.

Phase 4: Maturity.

In addition, in 2016, S-curve analysis was applied with Sigmaplot software in the article. Technology watch and analysis of the life cycle of technology: usability evaluation techniques, metrics, and tools in the ICT sector; taking as data the inflection points obtained from a nonlinear regression of the sigmoid curve or S-curve, and the time series of technical and scientific production, expressed in articles.

In 2012, the S-curve was used as a tool for the measurement of product life cycles. This article exposes the trend in technological innovations to reduce the time in the CVP (reach early obsolescence) due to market demand. The key point for decision-making and marketing strategies should be based on the information obtained from the analysis of the CVP, that is, the inflection point according to the S-curves (Aguilar et al., 2012).

In statistical analysis, various methods and tests are commonly used to determine the correlation of variables and therefore the affirmation and/or negation of hypotheses. One of the most used tests is the Durbin–Watson test, a test that detects autocorrelation defined by the ordinary least squares residuals function, however, a disadvantage of this test is that it is not useful for large statistical samples (Stanislaus, 2020).

Other statistical values used are the t value and p value. The p value is the probability of obtaining, by chance, a difference as large or larger than the observed one, being fulfilled that there is no real difference in the population from which the samples come. It was established that if this probability value is <5% (0.05), it is sufficiently improbable that it is due to the chance to reject with reasonable certainty the null hypothesis and state that the difference is real. If it is >5%, we will not have the necessary confidence to be able to deny that the observed difference is the work of chance (Molina, 2017).

On the other hand, the t value allows us to know the probability of obtaining a value like the one obtained or farther away from null, simply by chance. If the probability is high, we will say that the difference is due to chance and that it is not likely to be fulfilled in the population. But if the probability of obtaining this value by chance is very low, we will be able to say that, probably, a real difference does exist (Molina, 2017).

Regarding the use of the S-curves methodology and the calculation of the inflection point in papers in the Table 1 and patents in the Table 2, although the nonlinear regression models used did not generate statistical significance, they did provide important information for the decision-making of the stakeholders related to sieving in cereals, since the calculations did not yield inflection point data before 2022, on the contrary, future data were obtained, that is, there is still a high dynamic of patenting and publication on the subject, providing useful information on the importance that still has the subject in the technological and commercial patents, and in the scientific papers.

Table 1. Nonlinear regression models for papers in cereal screening.

Table 2. Non-linear regression models for patents in cereal screening.

In the Table 1 it is shown that none of the 13 models was valid for papers on cereal screening, Chapman's model was discarded because its turning point did not apply to the present study, and the remaining models all gave then of 2041, furthermore, all D-W gave below 0.2906.

In the Table 2 it is shown that none of the models were adjusted, there is no validity of the models, the Chapman, Hill 4, and Logistic models were discarded because their turning point did not apply for the present study, and the points of inflection from the remaining models will be to future plus ahead of 2031 and the D-W dan below 0.2428.

For the discussion, the axes of raw materials and applications in the screening of cereals were chosen, and as a complement to the analysis of patents in screening, these axes are presented below:

To identify which are raw materials mostly submitted to the screening process, it was obtained from the search equation used in Scopus years, authors, materials premiums, and purpose. According to studies, at least 27% of raw materials are screened to obtain flour, 21% of those users are wheat, 9% are corn, and rice corresponds to 14.63%. Also, these products (wheat, corn, and rice) are used in many industries for the production of flours, in Table 3 is presented each raw material with the author that worked on it, the year in that he worked with the raw material, and the purpose of the investigation. This table is important since it allows to identify in a way more direct that is working in the area of sieving.

Table 3. Raw materials subjected to a screening.

The investigations found in the review have different purposes, but one thing in common is to perform some analysis related to moisture content, subsequent product performance, and water-holding capacity among others, one of the products most worked and investigated is the rice with which was worked to measure the performance of a grader (Fabiyi et al., 2020; Ojediran et al., 2020), with this it is possible to identify new equipment that increases the speed of classification of different products. Another of the products that more is used for sifting is the grains of maize, the maize is widely used for animal feeding but on many occasions, this one remains with particles that diminish its quality and at the same time they can affect the animals, for this reason with the sifting it is sought to diminish the number of unwanted particles (Mugabi et al., 2019), also the sieving of corn is used to measure the kinetics of water absorption and wet milling of the same (Uriarte-Aceves et al., 2019, 2020) looking for which were the best conditions for the work of wet milling of corn. The wheat or flour of wheat is another of the products that más is sifted, with the wheat, it is sought to find the milling adapted for the obtaining of flour, a very important product in the elaboration of different foods (Deng and Manthey, 2017), in other investigations they were evaluating the properties of aggregation of gluten and the level of affectation in the properties of the same one (Bouachra et al., 2017; Deng and Manthey, 2019).

Knowing the products with which it has been worked in sieving it will be possible to identify much more easily which are the best options for someone who wants to implement a plant for a certain product and at the same time identify the variables that it requires, on the other hand, part, will be able to be used by someone who wants to investigate as for what has been investigated and what is missing and according to that determine the product or area in which it will be possible to focus.

In Table 4, the equipment or applications of the sieving process in the last few years of the articles obtained in Scopus were identified, where the applications and equipment used for different classification processes and the analysis of different physicochemical properties in the raw materials were analyzed.

Table 4. Equipment used for screening and its purpose.

According to a study by Srisang and Chungcharoen (2019), by using a rotary sieve and not a fixed sieve for the parboiled rice process, processing times were reduced, quality and starch increased, and the percentage of cracks and whiteness value were also higher when working the process with a rotary sieve. Despite these factors (the increase of cracks), the rotary sieve could be considered a better option able to optimize and improve the yields and the quality of the products that are submitted to these processes.

Dry fractionation of quinoa seeds of the Atlas and Riombamaba varieties by grinding and subsequent sieving (in different sizes and with an air jet to obtain protein- and starch-enriched fractions) is a more sustainable and ecological process to produce starch- and protein-enriched fractions from conventional wet fractionation (Opazo-Navarrete et al., 2018).

Likewise, in (Geankoplis, 1998) the physicochemical properties of Hieracium pilosella L. were analyzed. After grinding and sieving, through vibrating sieves, it was concluded that the smaller particles had a higher content of bioactive compounds and antioxidant capacity.

In another study, the engineering properties of the ground and sieved black pepper were analyzed, and it was found that the density in the different grades of sieves vibratory varied (Barnwal et al., 2017). This analysis can be identified as the variation of some properties of the product when a screening process is applied.

To identify the usefulness and implementation of the sieving systems in cereals, the patents applied for and obtained in the last years were reviewed, for this purpose the search equation “TITLE-ABS-KEY (sieve OR screen*)” AND “food process AND cereal*” is run again in SCOPUS obtaining 174 patent results in all the years. To reduce and update the search, to identify the newest and most current inventions, we chose to work with the last 10 years in which a total of 101 patents were found, of which only 7 patents are directly related to some type of sieving in food, the great majority of which were not related to methods or sieving systems. After analyzing the 7 patents directly related to the topic, consolidation of information was made as it is shown in Table 3 where the author, the year, the country, the equipment or method, the application, and the applicant company are presented.

In Table 5 and complement it can be seen that the main products to be sifted are flours (Bakos et al., 2013; Horgan et al., 2015; Liu, 2019; Dubois and Rafael, 2020). Other applications that were found in the area of animal medicine with the preparation of particles and protein foods (Klein and Air, 2017; Mordejai, 2019) and another one for the preparation of ferulic acid (Hang et al., 2017). Sifting in these products is done more to complement a larger method or system. As for the companies, they are more diversified since no company has two patents. Most of the patents correspond to methods that seek to improve some characteristic or standardize the different products mentioned.

Table 5. Patent analysis, complement.

It was possible to identify the importance of sieving in the different agroindustrial processes, and the main raw materials that are subjected to sieving and the purpose of applying a sieve to these raw materials. This information is important because it allows a better approach to a unitary agroindustrial operation that is very useful when it comes to standardizing and eliminating impurities from some products used in the agroindustry.

Among the applications in agribusiness in the last 10 years, the papers highlight the screening of Rice, Corn, Wheat, Cotton, Millet, Quinoa, Almonds, Barley, Potatoes, Cassava, Microorganisms, Oats, Cotton, Protein, Peppers, Chia Seed, and Beet Sugar. This information can be used as an input in the decision-making process of the stakeholders of the agroindustrial chains related to each product.

Concerning the patents, the applications turn around to equipment to eliminate impurities, methods to standardize products and to produce or to obtain foods rich in proteins, and apparatuses for the cleanliness and retention of raw materials that leave other processes, it is important to know the granted patents since this allows to identify that it has been done and that it is necessary to investigate and also it serves as input for the different groups of interest.

In the agroindustry, it is known that it is important to standardize the products to be able to offer the clients the same quality and type of product, according to this, the sifting becomes a unitary operation plus easy to use because of its structure and equipment it does not require great academic knowledge, besides, it allows to obtain the product with the above-mentioned characteristics.

A common factor found in the articles was the use of vibratory sieving, analyzing the optimization in time and quality of the products that used this sieving process such as parboiled rice, quinoa, and different flours, conserving all the physical-chemical properties and a greater yield, and comparing the final product when using different types of sieves.

The information regarding keywords, countries of origin of the papers, authors, journals, main phrases, and others, is important to know because, in this way you can have more clarity about what has already been done or researched and what is missing, like-wise, you can identify the main exponents of the subject with which you can have contact and advice for possible future research.

All authors listed have made a substantial, direct, and intellectual contribution to the work and approved it for publication.

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers. Any product that may be evaluated in this article, or claim that may be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or endorsed by the publisher.

Thank to the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana for allowing us to use its database to search for information and to the work team made up of the authors for their commitment to the development of this research.

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Keywords: sieve, screening, cereals, agroindustry, applications, patent

Citation: Sanchez-Suarez N, Orozco-Mendoza GL, Zartha-Sossa JW, Gafaro-Garcés DC, Melchor-Cahuana LG and Gonzalez-Tovar C (2022) Trends in Sieving and Its Applications in Cereals. A Literature Review. Front. Sustain. Food Syst. 6:902147. doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2022.902147

Received: 22 March 2022; Accepted: 26 May 2022; Published: 08 July 2022.

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Copyright © 2022 Sanchez-Suarez, Orozco-Mendoza, Zartha-Sossa, Gafaro-Garcés, Melchor-Cahuana and Gonzalez-Tovar. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.

*Correspondence: Jhon Wilder Zartha-Sossa, [email protected]

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Stage 1:Stage 2:Stage 3:Stage 4:Figure 1Figure 2Figure 3Figure 4Figure 5Figure 6Figure 7Figure 8Table 1Table 2Table 3Table 4Table 5